
Donate Today!

The Equality Project

Cash Donations:


Cheques can be mailed to: PO Box 52, Cache Creek, BC V0K 1H0

or E-transfer  or stop by the Clubhouse.

We appreciate every cent!


**Be sure to include your full name and mailing address if you want a tax deductible receipt**


Every Day Needs

From toiletries to furniture to kitchen supplies, there are just some things that we all need to have that make life better and more livable.

Food and Health Resources

Our kitchen works hard to make meals for the people that come in every week and those in need in the community. Your food donations are always used and appreciated.


Donations benefit the giver and the receiver! 

Why not purge your closet and provide someone with appropriate clothing for the season or help them dress for the job interview that could start them on a new path.